Wednesday, August 19, 2009

We made it!!!

Well we made it, finally after an arduous and exhausting trip. If anything could go wrong, it did. We got a flat tire on highway, on way to get another tire, the spare came off and went through the bottom of the camper. After getting two new tires, off we go...then the radiator sprung a leak, then transmission went out. So we ditched the van in Colorado and rented a U-Haul to pull camper the rest of the way here. We are getting settled in. I started digging a root cellar/ emergency shelter. I am digging it all by hand, it is apprx 20ft by 18ft. I took a break and moved on to digging the driveway, also by hand. I have 200ft. of 500ft done. There is still alot to do, too much to mention. I have some leads on a few jobs, the locals are very helpful when they find out we just moved here. We got a P.O. Box, if anyone wants to correspond. It is P.O> box 2993 West Wendover, NV 89883.